About Me

I’m a multifaceted individual, functioning as a software developer, electronic enthusiast, artist, cook, and outdoor adventurer. Exploring seems to be in my blood, inherited from my great ancestor, Captain James Cook. My faith in Jesus is a cornerstone of my life, and I find joy in writing Bible studies. I Actively participate in church life, engaging in fellowship with fellow believers and am involved in a couple of groups at my local church. Currently residing in Washington State, I have spent the majority of my life in Oregon.

As a native of the Pacific Northwest, I cherish the inherent beauty stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascades. The accessibility to outdoor exploration without extensive travel renders this region a Pacific wonderland. I can’t imagine calling any other place in the world home. My days are often filled with hiking and capturing moments through photography. The wilderness, for me, is a sanctuary where I connect with nature and commune with God. Having explored all the national parks in the area, I continue to find solace and inspiration in the vast landscapes that surround me.

During my teenage years, the growth of the tech industry, particularly in the Silicon Valley, expanded opportunities for employment in Oregon and Washington, creating what we now refer to as the Silicon Forest. Following high school, I opted to enroll in a tech academy, launching my career in computer manufacturing.

My fascination with computers began in childhood, where I enjoyed building them and creating programs. In 2006, I pursued my interest further by studying Computer Science at Portland State University. Post-graduation, driven by my fascination with the Internet, I delved into software development in Ecommerce and eventually transitioned to web application development. This proved to be my true calling, and I have remained in the industry ever since.

At one point in my career, I assumed the role of a Sales Engineer. The company granted me a print shop for producing in-house advertisement. Leveraging my natural graphic artistry, I expanded my skills into advertisement and marketing while developing software. I was having the time of my life!

See my work on Pinterest:



Since 1999, I have been utilizing Adobe Master Suite, appreciating its diverse capabilities. I have a passion for photography, video production, company branding, vector imaging and manipulating special effects in Photoshop.

Over the recent years, AI has emerged as a significant trend in the tech industry. I employ it across various tasks, from document creation to code evaluations. Its pervasive influence has rapidly integrated into the tech landscape, offering substantial benefits. Yet, I find myself contemplating its future role in driving innovation, shaping technology, influencing business strategies, and even impacting political landscapes.

Contact Me

Interested in reaching out? Feel free to connect with me using the contact form below. Whether you have questions, collaboration ideas, or just want to say hello, I look forward to hearing from you!